Ultrasound Scan, also called ultrasound imaging or sonography, is finding images within the human body. It involves sending sound waves that are incredibly high in the body. These sound waves emanate from internal organs. The exhibits are then processed by specialized tools and powerful computers and then weighed and created a visual image of the organs. Ultrasound Scan are taken in real-time and shown on a television monitor.

Aruna Diagnostics provides best Ultrasound Scan in Hyderabad at an affordable price. The well-trained staff and experts at Aruna Diagnostics guide you about the process and make you feel comfortable. As the most preferred and top diagnostic center in Hyderabad, Adx provides patients with accurate and timely results.
What will happen during the scan?
Ultrasound Scan in Hyderabad is a painless, usually non-invasive procedure. There are several ways to test depending on the body part being tested. Whether you should take it off your clothes or not will depend on your body scans. You will be taken to a scan room and asked to lie on a sofa next to an ultrasound machine. Depending on which part of your body is being scanned, you can sit down. A clear, water-based gel will be applied to your skin over the scan site. This helps to transmit sound waves to the microphone in the transducer. The Sonographer will plow the transducer on your skin and push it back and over a part of your scanned body. The scan will appear on the machine screen, which will be near you. You will be awake during the test. If you would like an explanation of the image, ask.
Ultrasound scans are often complicated to interpret if you do not know what to look for. The Sonographer may also ask you to take a deep breath inside or go to different places to get the best pictures possible. Depending on the type of scan being performed, the test will usually take between 5 and a half minutes.
You will be able to go home once the scan is complete. Some scanners may require a transducer (probe) to be used internally. This usually scans the transvaginal or transrectal. When checking a woman’s pelvis, the transvaginal method is used as it provides high-quality images. In this scanner, a small pen-shaped transducer is supplied with a protective cover, smeared with a bit of gel, and gently inserted into the vagina to the cervix to get the perfect picture. It should not cause more than a bit of discomfort.
Do I need to prepare for the scan?
There are usually no complicated adjustments required for Ultrasound Scan service, although it is recommended to wear comfortable clothing, which can be easily removed if necessary. There are no standard guidelines for all ultrasound tests. Different tests require different arrangements, and you will be given proper instructions for your type of scan before you arrive at the diagnostic center. You may be asked to refrain from eating or drinking for at least 6 hours before the scan for some types of scan. If you have your uterus checked, you will probably be asked to come and have an entire appointment. This is because the full bladder pushes the uterus upwards so that it can be easily examined. You may need a full bladder to have your bladder checked again. There will be a toilet nearby, so you will be able to go as soon as the scan is complete.
When will I get the results?
For most types of Ultrasound Scan, especially pregnancy scans, the person performing the test will explain the pictures and results during or shortly after the scan. In some cases, the Sonographer will analyze the images and send a detailed scan description to your supervising physician. It can take a while for test results to come out, usually taking a few weeks. If your doctor needed the results immediately, it would be noted on the application request form, and the results would be ready sooner rather than later. Try to remember to ask your doctor how long you can wait for the results when you first receive a test. If it is not an emergency, and you have not heard for a few weeks after your trial, call your doctor’s secretary to check if they have returned.